A new dimension: Tracking the arrival of 3D gaming
Over the decades video games have historically been expected to keep doing more; to be bigger, prettier, and more intricate with each year that passes.
Over the decades video games have historically been expected to keep doing more; to be bigger, prettier, and more intricate with each year that passes.
At Bitmap our love of games and play doesn’t stop with video games. We’ve got a great love for football (or soccer, for our North American friends), meaning we’re very excited about the coming World Cup being held in Qatar this November.
Mac’s have received less attention from game developers over the years, and yet Apple’s computers did much to open up what game design could be.
Almost 40 years to the day since it first launched, the Commodore 64’s legacy can still be felt in the fabric of the modern video game industry.
What do mechanical punch bags and the origins of sport have to do with the genre that birthed THE KING OF FIGHTERS? More than you might assume…
KING OF FIGHTERS: The Ultimate History is our most ambitious book yet. Which, we thought, made it the perfect time to shed some light on how we put together a Bitmap Book