If you’re a Bitmap Books fan based in the European Union (EU), this one's for you. If you're not in the EU, you've taken a wrong turn. But don’t worry; you can check out all the rest of our blogs here.
We know you’d rather be playing classic games than reading up on global taxation systems, of course, so we’ll keep things here brief and clear. In the shortest possible terms, we’ve made doubly sure Bitmap readers based in the EU get the best value and service when ordering through our webstore.
Following Brexit, if you are based in the EU, VAT is added to your order. The VAT rate varies from country to country. You can check our own list of VAT rates over on our VAT page. We use a service called Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) which means that because the VAT is paid when the order is placed, no further fees are due. That means no unnecessary delays, and no unexpected bills from customs. Just sit back and your order will arrive trouble free.
We will, of course, continue to review the best way to get our books to our EU friends, but currently using IOSS is the most cost effective, reliable option for our customers.
Why VAT? Reliability And Value For All EU Customers

By Sam Dyer